Friday 6 September 2013

Thalassemia Patient Becomes the Youngest Pakistani Female Pilot

Islamabad: 12 year old thalassemia patient Naima Gul has managed to mark her name with golden words in Pakistan Aviation’s history. “For me all this is mere a dream, I wish to live and die for my country” said the young girl. Naima Gul is among the youngest pilot. She hails from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa district Swat Tehsil Matta who is a patient of thalassemia disorder.
The 4th standard student though attended the Pakistan Aviation for a day but her sparkling eyes gave a lesson that small wishes and happiness can make difficult paths easy. On the occasion she was flanked by her family members. The high army officials accepted Naima’s plea to visit the aviation centre. The family members spoke that they had never thought that Naima would be able to win such title at an early age, thanking the army men for giving her importance.
Afterwards, the youngest female pilot talking to media men expressed thankfulness to the army officials and happiness to be at the aviation centre. She promised to play her due role in treating other thalassemia patients and to work for the bright future of the country.
Young girls like Naima, confident, skilled, brave are the shining stars of nation who through their presence can earn good name to the country.

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